All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Chung How Kau

Advisory Committee Members

Antony Mortlandt

Terpsithea Christou

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Dentistry (MDent) School of Dentistry


Orthognathic surgery has 3 basic goals: function, esthetics and stability. The relationship between orthognathic surgery and temporomandibular joint function remains highly controversial. Regarding the functional changes and range of mandibular movements after surgery, mandibular hypomobility and other signs and symptoms of joint dysfunction are associated with orthognathic surgery in the literature. The aim of this study is to evaluate the function of the temporomandibular joints at lest 6 months after orthognathic surgery and compare them with non-surgical subjects. The null hypothesis is that there is no difference in subjective symptoms reported by the subjects and clinical evaluation of the range of mandibular motion using a jaw tracking device between surgical patients and healthy individuals. 16 surgical subjects (6 males, 10 females) and 17 controls (7 males, 10 females) were evaluated for subjective symptoms of temporomandibular disorders including pain, joint sounds, locking, stiffness, headaches and parafunctional activity. The range of mandibular motion was measured using the SiCat JMT+ jaw tracking device by Sirona. All border movements including left and right lateral excursion, protrusion and maximum mouth opening were recorded and compared between the two groups. No statistically significant difference in subjective symptoms of pain, clicking, crepitation, incidence of locking, stiffness, bruxism/clenching, headaches and migraines were found between surgical and non-surgical subjects. The only statistically significant difference between the groups was found for popping of the right TMJ (p<0.05). No statistically significant difference was found in any millimetric measurement of range of motion between the groups.

Included in

Dentistry Commons



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