All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Chung How Kau

Advisory Committee Members

John Benton

William Harrell

Brian Kinard

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Science (MS) School of Dentistry


There has been a recent rise in interest for studying the relationship between orthodontic treatment and the airway. Most studies have focused on measuring the oropharyngeal airway and how it is affected by growth with or without orthodontic treatment. The Nasal Septum, a midline structure is an integral part of the anatomy of the nasopharynx. Nasal Septum Deviations (NSD) can be caused by mechanical injuries, nasal polyps, neoplasia, infections, genetic influences as well as congenital malformations. The proximity of the septum can be correlated to changes in the housing of dentition in the naso maxillary complex. Objective: We aim to see if the severity of the Nasal Septum deviation (NSD) is affected by the impaction of canines as they are one of the final teeth to erupt and follow a torturous path of eruption. Method: A retrospective study of CBCT images was conducted on 41 subjects with impacted canines (Mean age 11.5, with left canine impaction n =12, Right canine impaction n=10, and bilaanines. A total of seven angles were measured. The angle formed by the insertion of the nasal septum in the floor of the maxilla (MIA), the angle of deviation (ASD) both right and left, the angles of the lateral wall of the nasal aperture (ALW) both right and left, the angle of the nasal floor (ANF), the width of the nasal floor (WIT) were measured for both groups on coronal CBCT slices. The relative length of the maxilla, using McNamara Analysis was also done. Student t-test was done and compared to a control group of 36 subjects with no impacted canines. iii Results: There was no significant difference in the midline insertion angle (MIA) and the lateral walls of the nasal aperture (ALW) in both groups. Right sided impactions showed a trend of deviation of the nasal septum towards the right. The nasal floor (ANF) and width of the nasal floor (WIT) were significantly different in the impacted canine group as compared to the control group with no impactions.

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Dentistry Commons



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