All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

D Keith Gurley

Advisory Committee Members

Jenna M Lachenaye

Shannon McCarthy

Boyd Rogan

Philip Westbrook

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Doctor of Education (EdD) School of Education


The United States Department of Labor (2012) provided that women’s participation in the workforce has grown over the past 50 years. With increased responsibilities outside of the home, many women are experiencing work-family conflict (Shakeshaft, 1989). With a focus on educational leadership, this study examined how female high school principals navigated multiple roles and the strategies they implemented to minimize conflict. The participants acknowledged that as high school principals they occupy multiple professional roles which require a great deal of their time and energy. The demands and emotional nature of their principalships created conflict with their family roles. The participants provided strategies they use to effectively manage their work-family conflict: plan and organize; establish boundaries; and develop a support system. The participants also discussed the challenges they have faced as female high school principals in a primarily male dominated position.

Included in

Education Commons



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