All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Christina M Rodriguez

Advisory Committee Members

Fred Biasini

Olivio Clay

Yookyong Lee

Michelle Y Martin

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) College of Arts and Sciences


Previous maltreatment literature examining child physical abuse risk has not effectively examined cultural nuances in risk and protective factors. Further, research has relied heavily upon maternal only samples, limiting our understanding of paternal risk factors. The current study examined macro-level variables (i.e., racial identification and gender role ideologies) in conjunction with individual-level factors (i.e., attribution of child intent and acceptability of abuse) as they relate to parental abuse risk. The study employed explicit and implicit measures administered to 142 African American and White first-time expectant mother and father dyads. Study hypotheses were partially supported, identifying both consistencies and inconsistencies across race. With regard to gender, findings differed for mothers and fathers as they relate to individual-level risk factors. Gender role ideologies demonstrated a significant relation for both mothers and fathers and partner effects were also observed. Findings inform both universal and culturally sensitive parenting interventions and research. Additionally, results demonstrate a continued need to disentangle and identify individual-level risk factors that may be unique to fathers.

Gowda_Dissertation_defense final_revised4.pdf (1460 kB)
Tables and Figures



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