All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Connie Kohler

Advisory Committee Members

Lisa Gary

Lauri Hyers

Brad Lian

Stuart Usdan

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) School of Public Health


The purpose of the research is threefold. The first purpose is to determine if multiracial individuals are at a higher risk for alcohol, tobacco, and drug use. The second purpose is to determine the relationship between racial identity and risk behaviors. The third purpose is to determine how the change/no change of racial identity longitudinally contributes to one’s risk to engage in risk behaviors. A national representative longitudinal data set was obtained and analyzed for the purpose of this study. Results of the study reveal that there are differences in multiracial groups for risk behaviors, minority identification is not necessarily protective against these risk behaviors, and that change/no change of racial identity appears to be protective against some risk behaviors while not being protective against other risk behaviors. Implications of the results are discussed.

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