All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Caroline Richter

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Science (MS) Heersink School of Medicine


Grit is used to predict various positive benefits within students. Grit is trying to get back up to attempt another try at one’s goal after failure. Recently, grit has been seen as a potential candidate in improving the life satisfaction and academic performance of individuals. Grit is conceptualized as having two components, perseverance of effort and consistency of interest. Perseverance of effort is trying again until you finally accomplish your goal, while consistency of interest is a constant drive to complete one’s goals over a long-time span. This study measured the effects that grit has on elementary and middle school students regarding their personal and academic lives. Our team used a survey to measure the effects that grit has on elementary and middle school students. Our hypothesis was tested using the academic grit scale, Panorama grit scale, life satisfaction scale, and the multifaceted life satisfaction scale. Academic achievement as reported by the school was measured by the sum of reading and mathematics achievement scores. It was found in the study that grit and academic grit displayed a significant relationship with life satisfaction. The relationship between academic achievement, grit, and academic grit was not significant. Better understanding of these relationships is important so that future interventions focusing on grit might be incorporated into schools; with the final goal of improving students’ life satisfaction and academic performance. Having grit is crucial in accomplishing long-term goals, and the continued research on grit will provide greater insight into its long-term effects and facilitate and inform the development of interventions for adolescents.



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