All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Maninder Kaur

Advisory Committee Members

Ramzi Abou-Arraj

Maria L Geisinger

Nicolaas Geurs

Amjad Javed

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Science (MS) School of Dentistry


The current standard of care for treating chronic periodontitis is scaling and root planing (ScRP) followed by supportive periodontal therapy (SPT) (Cobb et al., 2021; Ramfjord et al., 1987). The goal of ScRP is to eliminate supra- and subgingival bacterial deposits and to reduce periodontal pathogens, inflammation, and pocket depths (Greenstein, 2000). Although ScRP has been shown to significantly improve baseline clinical parameters, moderate to advanced cases may require additional surgical therapy which many patients resist (Stambaugh, 1981; Becker et al., 2001). Currently, no dentifrice used adjunctively has been proven to increase the therapeutic effects of scaling and root planing. This study hypothesizes that the adjunctive use of Livionex Dental Gel (LDG) as a home care product result in the reduction of probing pocket depth (PD) beyond the effect achieved by the current standard of care with SRP in periodontitis patients. Secondary outcomes would be to determine safety, changes in plaque index (PI), gingival in dex (GI), clinical attachment level (CAL) and bleeding on probing (BP) over a period of 180 days from initiation of ScRP therapy.

Included in

Dentistry Commons



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