All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Mirbozorgi S Abdollah

Advisory Committee Members

Jololian Leon

Haider Mohammad R

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE) School of Engineering


Many wireless and passive sensors are developed and used in various fields with the growth of Internet-of-Things, IoT, and biomedical technologies. These sensors can measure physical parameters such as temperature, pressure, displacement, etc. These parameters can be converted into corresponding changes in resistance, capacitance, and inductance, and captured by LC tank-based sensors, wirelessly. The passive LC tank-based sensors can only measure a single parameter. By proposing a new technology, multi-resonance sensing mechanism, for measuring multiple parameters differentially in this work. Based on the proposed technology, two sensing systems have been designed and implemented. 1) Estimating human walking gait speed by developing a four-resonator-based sensor to precisely measure the angle between legs. The proposed design is optimized using Ansys HFSS (high-frequency structure simulator), implemented, and its performance is characterized. The sensor's operating frequency range is 28MHz -46MHz, and it can measure angles up to 90 degrees. 2) Estimating humidity changes in the sensor environment by developing a sensor with two resonances (two inductors and two multi-finger capacitors) for sensing differentially. The proposed sensor (inductors and capacitors) is optimized by HFSS, implemented, and characterized. The proposed sensor (configuration and operating frequency) can be optimized/adapted for different applications.Keywords: Inductive Passive Sensor, Capacitive Sensor, Multi-Parameter Measurement, Differential Sensing.

Included in

Engineering Commons



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