All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Janice Jackson

Advisory Committee Members

Javed Amjad

Kyounga Cheon

Noel Childers

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Science (MS) School of Dentistry


ABSTRACT Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate changes in the oral bacterial flora before and after application of 38% Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF, manufacturer and city/state) to carious lesions. Methods: Fifteen children with at least one cavitated carious tooth and one healthy tooth were enrolled and following examination, a carious tooth was selected to receive SDF treatment. Prior to SDF treatment, two supragingival plaque samples were obtained (using sterile cotton swabs, then storage in transport fluid and frozen at -80oC until DNA extraction) at the first appointment, one carious tooth, another from a non-carious tooth. At the four-week post-intervention appointment, the same procedure was repeated (i.e., sample collections and additional SDF treatment). Using Qiagen DNeasy UltraClean Microbial Kit Redwood City, CA 94063, bacterial DNA was extracted, and submitted to the UAB Microbiome Center for analysis. The results of DNA sample analysis resulted in bacterial phyla, genus and in some cases species identification using 16S rDNA sequencing of the V4 region. t-tests were used for statistic comparison. Using the microbiome data, the most abundant bacteria identified overall, we compared for changes between pre and post SDF samples as well as for control (non-carious teeth) samples. ii Results: was performed to detect if there is a significant difference in bacterial content and test show no significant difference in bacterial content before and after application, but over time, bacterial content decrease

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