School of Nursing Student Presentation Posters



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Faculty Chair: Dr. Tedra Smith
Clinical Mentor: Briana Golden
Presented: DNP Orientation UAB School of Nursing, July 2023

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DNP Orientation UAB School of Nursing


Birmingham, AL





Background: In the United States, colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancerrelated deaths among men and women. A colonoscopy is the gold standard for preventing and detecting colorectal cancer. A successful colonoscopy depends on proper bowel preparation (prep) to visualize the colon and detect polyps. At Tanner Health System, 17% of outpatient adult colonoscopy patients cancel each month related to poor bowel prep outcomes. Consequences of poor bowel prep include increased difficulty of colonoscopy, reduced cecal intubation rates, repeat procedures, increased costs, shortened follow-up intervals, and reduced ability to detect polyps and cancer. The purpose of this quality improvement project is to conduct a program evaluation of the pre-procedure bowel prep educational video implemented for adult patients scheduled for a colonoscopy at Tanner Health System.

Methods: To conduct a program evaluation on the pre-procedure bowel prep video implemented for adult outpatients having a colonoscopy at Tanner Health System’s Outpatient and Surgical Services Unit. The team will collect and compare data on pre-video implementation and postvideo implementation related to poor bowel prep outcomes. Inclusion criteria represent outpatient adults, English-speaking males and females, all races, all ethnicities, and nonemergent. Patients that have had a colonoscopy within the past year will be excluded. Additionally, patient satisfaction surveys will be collected, followed by a literature review for improvement opportunities. Results will then be disseminated to Tanner Health System’s leadership.

Results: The outcome measure will analyze the total number of outpatient colonoscopy patients scheduled versus the total number of outpatient colonoscopy patients canceled related to poor bowel prep outcomes (e.g., pre-video and post-video implementation). Descriptive statistics gathered via patient satisfaction surveys will also be analyzed. The survey will be accessed via QR code on the colonoscopy day and does not collect patient information.

Implications of Intervention and Sustainability Plans: Studies show that bowel prep educational videos improved bowel prep quality, minimized workflow interruptions, and increased patient compliance. The educational video is convenient, updatable, and costeffective, providing a lasting benefit for patients, providers, and the hospital.

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The Impact of a Colonoscopy Bowel Prep Educational Video on Bowel Prep Outcomes

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Nursing Commons



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