Volume 09 (1992) BPR - Fall/Winter 1992
Complete Issue
Birmingham Poetry Review 9 (Complete Issue)
Birmingham Poetry Review Staff
Lady Crab Apple
Edmund August
How We Got Here
Philip Brady
Music for Atlanta, Union Seige, 1864
Gregory Byrd
The Origin of Sadness
Peter Desy
A Living Doll
Martha Elizabeth
Still Life
Martha Elizabeth
I Was Different
Ann Miller Fadley
Candle Fish
Stuart Friebert
The Industial Promotion Hall
John Gribble
And About My Brother
John Gribble
Bats in Mercury Vapor Lamplight
Lois Marie Harrod
Abel Speaks
Lewis Horne
Eating the Roses
Mark Johnston
Heatstroke: Five Months Later
Marjorie Maddox
Forty Nights
Marjorie Maddox
Losing the Baby
Linda Back McKay
Rainy Eclipse
Leslie Monsour
The Memory of Abortion Unexpectedly Returns
Leslie Monsour
The Natural World
Leslie Monsour
Patent Leather
Katherine A. Nelson-Born
Maggie and Cram
Marilee Richards
You Ask Is It Possible to Love More than One Woman
Marilee Richards
Sibling Rivalry
Amy Riddell
Selling Children in Romania
Amy Riddell
Leaving Old Durham
David Rigsbee
The Mother and Sister of the Artist
Miriam Sagan
Arizona Highway
Carolyn Stoloff
At the Raptor Center
K Subach
Saul, Changed
K Subach
So Much Still
Dale Tietjen
Front Matter
Birmingham Poetry Review 9 (Front Matter)
Birmingham Poetry Review Staff
End Matter
Birmingham Poetry Review 9 (End Matter)
Birmingham Poetry Review Staff