Volume 10 (1993) BPR - Spring/Summer 1993
Complete Issue
Birmingham Poetry Review 10 (Complete Issue)
Birmingham Poetry Review Staff
Putting Things By
Ruth Buchman
Christmas Lights
J F. Connolly
The Shape of South America
Patricia Edith
Under Aries
G Timothy Gordon
The Beach of Dead Trees
Susan Grimm
Stepping into Spring Without the Body
Richard Hague
Murder Weapon
Elizabeth Hahn
Plying the Corpse
David Henson
Another Winter, Farther Away
H L. Hix
Armageddon's Girl
Joy Hurst
A Child Is Sent for the lobe
Mary Makofske
Good Colds
Heather Ross Miller
Jennifer Nostrand
Jennifer Nostrand
The Menatlly Retarded in Heaven
Louis Phillips
Miracle Enough
Marilee Richards
Power Failure
Diann Blakely Shoaf
Christmas Eve at the Institution
Jamie Simpson
The Good Child
David James Smith
Terminus Ad Quem. 1967
James Soular
After Visiting the Oracle
Joyce Sutphen
Front Matter
Birmingham Poetry Review 10 (Front Matter)
Birmingham Poetry Review Staff
End Matter
Birmingham Poetry Review 10 (End Matter)
Birmingham Poetry Review Staff