Volume 14 (1996) BPR - Spring/Summer 1996
Complete Issue
Birmingham Poetry Review 14 (Complete Issue)
Birmingham Poetry Review Staff
Book Reviews
Counting Survivors
Robert Collins
Already the World
Linda Frost
Equinox Deer
Anne C. Bromley
Postcard Sonnet: Hue
Philip Dacey
White Trash
Philip Dacey
Self-Portrait with Watch
Jim Daniels
Lessons in Graphite
Richard Fein
Lone Walker
Andrew Glaze
The Stupidity Poem
Richard Hague
Winter Death
Jeff Hardin
Sinead, I, Too, Despise the Pope
Peter Harris
First Cold Autumn Night
Jan Hayhurst
The Last Letter Between Lovers
Todd Heidt
On the Porch with Gramma
Marisa G. Kantor
What I Remembered
Bill Kerwin
Ynestra King and John Muir Breathe the Air in Bhopal
Patrick Lawler
Based on an Untrue Story
Michael Malinowitz
July Morning
Claudia Mangel
Harfleur General
Casualene Meyer
Poem for a Boy Serving Soft Time for the State
Matt Mullins
Martin Makes Bricks by Fire and Learns What Burns Inside
Kristy Nielson
Playing for Keeps
Barbara Nightingale
Meditation on Twelve Missing Uncles
Hans Ostrom and Wendy Bishop
Still Life
Kristine Somerville
Things Said
Kristine Somerville
Carol Tufts
A Death Far Away
Carol Tufts
The Doll's Face
Liz Walsh-Boyd
The Rewot of Lebeb
Charles B. Wheeler
Front Matter
Birmingham Poetry Review 14 (Front Matter)
Birmingham Poetry Review Staff
End Matter
Birmingham Poetry Review 14 (End Matter)
Birmingham Poetry Review Staff