Volume 40 (2013) BPR - Spring 2013
Complete Issue
Birmingham Poetry Review 40 (Complete Issue)
Birmingham Poetry Review Staff
Featured Poet: Claudia Emerson
Birmingham Poetry Review Staff
An Interview with Claudia Emerson
Susannah Mintz
Book Reviews
Secure the Shadow
Shelly Cato
Double Agent
Laura Eve Engel
For the Mountain Laurel
Jennifer Horne
How to Make a Bird With Two Hands
Alyse Knorr
On a Bed of Gardenias: Jane & Paul Bowles
Brandel France de Bravo
Common House Sparrows at JFK's International Terminal
Claudia Emerson
Virginia Christian
Claudia Emerson
Small Prayer
Betty Adcock
Autumn in Paradise
Tory Adkisson
Connecticut Avenue
Deborah Ager
A Treatise on Leaving
Deborah Ager
At Advent's End
Daniel Anderson
Someone is Burning Leaves
Daniel Anderson
Black Widow
L S. Asekoff
Climbing The Organ, Something Bent
L S. Asekoff
Advice from a Friend
Ned Balbo
Belated Aubade
Ned Balbo
Up Moons Grove Road
Jo Brachman
Ghost, Revenant
Gaylord Brewer
The Antichrist Detector
Robert Collins
Third Person
Robert Collins
The Death Poem You Asked For
Chad Davidson
Chinquapin Leaves on the Riverbank
Erica Dawson
In Celebration of Black History Month
Erica Dawson
When Saw Grass Grows to Meet the Sky
Erica Dawson
Madame Tussaud
Caitlin Doyle
In the Bush
Caitlin Doyle
Growing Up during World War II
James Doyle
A Quiet Day in the Trenches
James Doyle
Milagro Umbrella Factory
Jehanne Dubrow
Lost Photograph of Trotsky, from the Family Album
Jehanne Dubrow
Turning, Returning
Alex Fabrizio
A Commonplace Twilight
Brett Foster
Power Animals
Joshua Gottlieb-Miller
A Thought Is Full of Drifting
Jeff Hardin
Confidences: A Rendering of Saint Augustine’s Confessions
Katie Harstock and St. Augustine
Cemetery Gates
Edward Hirsch
Appalachian Matins
Carrie Jerrell
Before Being Euthanized, Barbaro Speaks to His Trainer
Carrie Jerrell
The Kiss of the Cage
Melanie Jordan
Fat Dope Dealers
David Kirby
The Poetry Reading
David Kirby
The South in the South
William Logan
Saint Lucia
James May
"A Culture"
James May
Two Angels
James May
God's Got Gaming Sense
Laura McCullough
Brainspin me another wunna those
Laura McCullough
Sandymount Strand: Vigil
David McLoghlin
Northerners in Tennessee
Nick McRae
The Last Sheep in Uz
Nick McRae
Broken Body
Nick McRae
To the Praying Mantis
Nick McRae
Let Our Beauty Ease Your Grief
Erica Meitner
Tinnitus Lament
Homer Mitchell
Mary Moore
The War Reporter Paul Watson Imagines His Father
Daniel O'Brien
The War Reporter Paul Watson on the Examination of Women
Daniel O'Brien
God-Is-Love Man
Ricardo Pau-Llosa
In Praise Of Aurochs
Emilia Phillips
Windy Day in Texas
John Poch
My ESOL Class Discusses Food
Christine Poreba
The Physiologist’s Rebuke to His Lover
Todd Portnowitz
Epithalamium at an Agriturismo
Todd Portnowitz
The Root of Nothing
Todd Portnowitz
Landscape with Tyrian Purple
David Roderick
from Leafmold
F Daniel Rzicznek
Resurrection Spell
Jane Satterfield
Sunshine Bridge
Martha Serpas
Megan Sexton
You Were Born to Be Mine So Why Fight It
Patty Seyburn
Forties War Widows, Stolen Grain
Jane Springer
Bare Ruined Choirs
Jane Springer
In the Garden Dream
Jane Springer
The Ways of God to Man
David Starkey
Goya and Snow
Rawdon Tomlinson
Running Scared
David Wagoner
In Sleep, Always a Small Death
William Wright
Insomnia in Fall
William Wright
Ode to Orange
Matt Zambito
Front Matter
Birmingham Poetry Review 40 (Front Matter)
Birmingham Poetry Review Staff
End Matter
Birmingham Poetry Review 40 (End Matter)
Birmingham Poetry Review Staff