Volume 41 (2014) BPR - Spring 2014
Complete Issue
Birmingham Poetry Review 41 (Complete Issue)
Birmingham Poetry Review Staff
Featured Poet: Andrew Hudgins
Birmingham Poetry Review Staff
Book Reviews
The Use of the World
Shelly Cato
Little Murders Everywhere / Chord Box / Praise Nothing
Jessica Murray
Naming the Dead
Robert Miltner
Waiting for St. Brendan
Eric Bilman
Her Familiars
Eric Bilman
House Under the Moon
Theodore Haddin
The Lost Boys
Jason Walker
War Reporter
John Saad
Mr. and Miss Bryce Hospital
Andrew Hudgins
Mona Tried to Tell Me
Andrew Hudgins
Backing Up
Andrew Hudgins
Letter to the Elders, 1724
Amy Arthur
Amy Arthur
Stormy Lullaby
Amy Arthur
Paicambu Cemetery
Sheila Black
Dark Emerald
Sheila Black
The Irrevocable
Bruce Bond
The Conversation
Kimberly Bruss
This Thing We Do
Kimberly Bruss
Forgetting the Libyan Sea
Catherine Champion
Triptych: Pietà
Tony Crunk
Birthday Dress
Trista Edwards
Droit du Vassal
Rebecca Foust
At Shannon (September 2007)
Eamon Grennan
Morning Light
Eamon Grennan
Things in the Vicinity
Eamon Grennan
"Well, Shaniqua’s Taking Her Time"
Benjamin Grossberg
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Kid
Joseph Harrison
Shades of Truth
Rita Ann Higgins
Glass Marbles
Ron Houchin
Reverend Timothy Lovejoy
Tom C. Hunley
Jacob's Fear
Richard Jackson
Katharine Johnsen
Syllabus of Errors
Troy Jollimore
Ars Poetica
Troy Jollimore
White Fire
Jenna Kilic
The Irritating Professor
David Kirby
Rondeau: Vico's Revenge
Len Krisak
A Whale of Love
Joanne Lowery
Birthday Presents
John McKernan
Anamnesis on the Susquehanna
Zachariah McVicker
apple tree in bloom
Robert Miltner
Eating the Eighteenth-Century Still Life
Mary Moore
Woman Seated on Stairs
Mary Moore
The Digger
Mary Moore
South Georgia: Late October
Jeff Newberry
Saint Gerard
Brent Newsome
Viewing Kandinsky’s Improvisation No. 27
Paul Pickering
Newsstand in Winter
Stephen Priest and Gergen Manstoff
Ode to My Landlady
Stephen Priest and Gergen Manstoff
Romantic Notions
Stephen Priest and Gergen Manstoff
Studies in Postmodernism
Stephen Priest and Gergen Manstoff
I Am the Salieri of Myself and Other Observations
Stephen Priest and Gergen Manstoff
Fortunes of Men
Melissa Range
A Skiff of Snow
Melissa Range
Forest Cemetery
Shane Seely
Lookout Mountain
Austin Segrest
Meet the Beatles
Austin Segrest
The Arsonist's Lament
Eric Smith
Last Call at the Conference Hotel
Matthew Buckley Smith
Elegy Without Consolation
Matthew Buckley Smith
Johnson and the Birds
R T. Smith
Sports News
R T. Smith
A Change of Heart
R T. Smith
Pimone Triplett
Third Trimester
Cody Walker
Origin Song
Cody Walker
In Two Hundred Years
Cody Walker
Snow Globe
Mike White
Self-Portrait as the Allegory of Painting
Chelsea Woodard
Sinatra and the Ordre de la Santé Publique
Stefanie Worthman
Front Matter
Birmingham Poetry Review 41 (Front Matter)
Birmingham Poetry Review Staff
End Matter
Birmingham Poetry Review 41 (End Matter)
Birmingham Poetry Review Staff