Volume 42 (2015) BPR - Spring 2015
Complete Issue
Birmingham Poetry Review 42 (Complete Issue)
Birmingham Poetry Review Staff
Featured Poet: Allison Joseph
Birmingham Poetry Review Staff
Renaissance Woman: An Interview with Allison Joseph
Parneshia Jones
The Raggedy Recedes: The Poetry of Allison Joseph
Melanie Jordan
Book Reviews
Split / Small Porcelain Head / The Tulip Flame
Michelle Chan Brown
Small Porcelain Head
Michelle Chan Brown
The Tulip Flame
Michelle Chan Brown
Sailing to Babylon / Virtue, Big as Sin
Stephen Kampa
Ghost Gear
Saara Myrene Raappana
The Human Part
Theodore Haddin
The Man Who Saws Us in Half
Jason Walker
The Hotel Utopia
Robert Collins
Confederate Season
Allison Joseph
Somewhere in the North Bronx, Late Seventies
Allison Joseph
Allison Joseph
Sonnet for a Scale
Allison Joseph
Things About Hotels
Angela Ball
Enter the Guest
Angela Ball
Entwined Buddha
Sally Ball
The Day Ignatow Died
Jay Bremyer
A Few Lines from the Library
Joel Brouwer
The Drinker's Almanac
Michelle Chan Brown
Like Any Keeper
Michelle Chan Brown
Year of the Horse
Michelle Chan Brown
The One Black Girl at the Racist Sleepover
Stacey Lynn Brown
Change of Song
Elijah Burrell
On Exhaustion
Adam Clay
Augustine Chanting
Daniel Corrie
Noel Crook
Martins (Quantum)
Geri Doran
Love's Baby Soft
Moira Egan
Turning the Line
Charlene Fix
Sleeping It Off
Bernadette Geyer
The Art of Bagging
Joshua Gottlieb-Miller
Gouging for Glass
Hastings Hensel
Dominion of the Parthians
Ernest Hilbert
Art Student
Graham Hillard
Richie Hofmann
The Lepidopterist
Lesley Jenike
Twelfth Night
Lesley Jenike
Splitting the Lark
Lesley Jenike
Parneshia Jones
News from the Little Room
Stephen Kampa
Nothing by Halves
Stephen Kampa
First Trimester
Keetje Kuipers
Winter Lambs
Keetje Kuipers
Keetje Kuipers
Leaving an AA Meeting During a Snowstorm
Al Maginnes
Isaac, Afterward
Al Maginnes
Little Offer
Dora Malech
The Light of Knowledge
Charles Martin
When We Had It All
Charles Martin
Southern Girlhood, 1963
Cleopatra Mathis
Autobiography 2
Cleopatra Mathis
Alva and the Filed, 1944
L S. McKee
Alva and the Mockingbird
L S. McKee
Morning, Easter
Jim Mersmann
"For Counting Your Blessings," She Said
Jim Mersmann
Ancient, Immaterial
Jim Murphy
The Ugliest Woman Sitting at the Bar
Richard Newman
The Serengeti
Alan Michael Parker
Why I Am Not a Painter
Alan Michael Parker
Troubled Lawns
Alexandria Peary
At Dante's Tomb
John Poch
Summer's End
Christina Pugh
Lifting the Turtle
J D. Scrimgeour
Pinecroft Dairy
J D. Scrimgeour
The Neighbors, Upstairs
Michael Shewmaker
A Summer Primer
Michael Shewmaker
Alice Dreams the Storm
Erin Elizabeth Smith
Am I a Thief?
Gary Soto
Rose Red, Rose White
Catherine Staples
Cylindrical Bales
Catherine Staples
Colonial Llorona
Christine Swint
Suburban Llorona
Christine Swint
Watercolor Painting Class
Jeff Thomson
Museum with My Father
Elizabeth Weiss
In Concert
Will Wells
What's Weft
Will Wells
Sex Dreams with Two Boxes
Terri Witek
Amy Wright
Three Notes on Drowning
William Wright
William Wright
Front Matter
Birmingham Poetry Review 42 (Front Matter)
Birmingham Poetry Review Staff
End Matter
Birmingham Poetry Review 42 (End Matter)
Birmingham Poetry Review Staff