Volume 50 (2023) BPR - Spring 2023
Complete Issue
Birmingham Poetry Review 50 (Complete Issue)
Birmingham Poetry Review Staff
Featured Poet: Ricardo Pau-Llosa
Birmingham Poetry Review Staff
Hermes Unbound: The Art of Ricardo Pau-Llosa
Enrico Mario Santi
The Worldly Outsider: A Conversation with Ricardo Pau-Llosa
Michael Anthony Hill
Book Reviews
Please Make Me Pretty, I Don't Want to Die by Tawanda Mulalu
Anastasia Sorochinsky
House Bird by Robert Fillman
Jennifer Whitaker
Out of Order by Alexis Sears
Stephen Kampa
Mother / Land by Ananda Lima
H M. Cotton
The Five Senses
Ricardo Pau-Llosa
The Lost Sermons of the Buddha
Ricardo Pau-Llosa
Paris Inundated
Ricardo Pau-Llosa
Swirling Lines
Ricardo Pau-Llosa
For the Cuban Dead
Ricardo Pau-Llosa
God-Is-Love Man
Ricardo Pau-Llosa
Artemisa Japanese Car Care, Miami
Ricardo Pau-Llosa
Self-Portrait As
Emma Aylor
The Armchair
Michael Bazzett
Invention of the Wilderness
Bruce Bond
Biscuits and Gravy
Paul Bone
Paola Bruni
From Here On Out
Christopher Buckley
Crystal Ring
Christopher Buckley
I'll Tell You, Alighieri
Christopher Buckley
Christopher Buckley
Now More Than Ever Before
Roger Carlisle
Michael Chitwood
Carson Colenbaugh
Venus (in Furs)
Flower Conroy
Killing Machine
Travis Denton
Out of Nothing
Travis Denton
Maggie Dietz
Maggie Dietz
Maggie Dietz
Kendall Dunkelberg
Partial Eclipse
Kendall Dunkelberg
from Threads
David Eye
Iron Maiden
Raye Hendrix
Bourbon, Cigarettes, Van Morrison
John Hoppenthaler
River Street
Jared Jones
The Peasant Poem
Rodney Jones
Dusk at Midday
John Kinsella
Ghosting the Fox
John Kinsella
Under the Influence
Kenny Likis
why I couldn't tell a pigeon from a dove
Nabila Lovelace
Why the Word Ripple Obsesses Me
Mary B. Moore
The Teachings of Naranja
Mary B. Moore
Paradise in the Day Shelter for the Homeless
Bonnie Naradzay
In Troubled Times
Salvador Peralta
Out of Bounds
Salvador Peralta
On the Lam
Chelsea Rathburn
Chelsea Rathburn
Count Your Blessings
Mark Rubin
Kiss Your Ash Goodbye
Jane Satterfield
Cento for the Resurrection
Megan Sexton
Marriage at Ten Years, 1964
Annette Sisson
Learning Latin
Natalie Staples
Night Train to Memphis
Richard Tillinghast
The Greeks
Kara van de Graaf
On the Brink of This
Lauren K. Watel
In the Portrait Gallery
Lauren K. Watel
Burrowing Owl
Emily Williamson
Ardipithecus Ramidus
Emily Williamson
One O'Clock in the Morning
Ryan Wilson
Anywhere Outside the World
Ryan Wilson
Front Matter
Birmingham Poetry Review 50 (Front Matter)
Birmingham Poetry Review Staff
End Matter
Birmingham Poetry Review 50 (End Matter)
Birmingham Poetry Review Staff