All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Gregg L Vaughn

Advisory Committee Members

Alan M Shih

Dale W Callahan

Thomas C Jannett

Earl Wells

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) School of Engineering


Dietary assessments are plagued by a host of logistical and accuracy problems. The measurement of food consumed is either prohibitively expensive for logistical reasons, or the accuracy is left to the study subject's ability to measure or guess quantities consumed. This dissertation presents a method by which accuracy problems can be reduced with minimal logistical impact. Previous studies have used single photographs to assist in making food measurements during dietary assessments. These single photographs give a twodimensional representation of the food, with extrapolated three-dimensional data. This dissertation adds the third dimension to the volume calculation through the use of photogrammetry. Camera phones were used to ease logistical requirements for specialized equipment. Meals were photographed, and photogrammetric measurements were made of meals to obtain more accurate results than traditional techniques. The widespread availability of cell phone cameras, along with the science of photogrammetry and image processing techniques, can increase the accuracy of food quantities reported in dietary assessments.

Included in

Engineering Commons



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