Advisory Committee Chair
Nada Souccar
Advisory Committee Members
Rama Kiran Chavali
Amjad Javed
Shane Langley
Christos Vlachos
Document Type
Date of Award
Degree Name by School
Master of Dentistry (MDent) School of Dentistry
Objective: The purpose of this study is to determine the skeletal, dental and soft tissue effects that occur as a result of maxillary posterior TAD intrusion; to compare treatment outcomes of growing patients to a growing matched control group; and to present a simplified TAD intrusion technique. Methods: This is a retrospective cohort study using lateral cephalometric radiographs of 16 (5 male, 11 female, average age 38y 4m) non-growing patients and 16 (5 male, 11 female, average age 13y 11m) growing patients with anterior open bite malocclusions treated with temporary anchorage devices (TADs) to intrude the maxillary posterior segments. Growing patients were compared to 10 (4 male, 6 female, average age 13y 7m) untreated control subjects from growth study collections best matched based upon age, sex, and skeletal classifications. Pretreatment and posttreatment lateral cephalograms were analyzed with conventional cephalometric analysis to evaluate treatment effects. Results: Bite closure was obtained in the non-growing treatment group by 1.88mm of maxillary molar intrusion, 1.19° of counterclockwise mandibular plane rotation, and 0.86mm extrusion of the lower incisors leading to an increase in OB by 2.98mm. The growing treatment group had 1.24mm of maxillary molar intrusion and extrusion of the maxillary and mandibular incisors, 1.19mm and 3.59mm respectively, which largely can be attributed to normal growth when compared to the control group. 3.53mm of bite closure was obtained in the growing treatment group. Conclusion: Non-surgical correction of AOB can be achieved via TAD intrusion of the maxillary posterior segments. Intrusion via two TADs placed intra-radicularly on the buccal side of the posterior maxilla is an adequate treatment alternative for growing and non-growing patients with mild to moderate AOB to obtain a positive overbite. Significant overbite improvement occurred in the non-growing and growing sample, 2.98mm and 3.53mm respectively. Less than 1.5mm of incisor extrusion due to treatment mechanics contributed to bite closure. Greater incisor extrusion was seen in the growing treatment group and control group, which could be attributed to normal growth. Bite closure for the non-growing treatment group consisted of 30% from lower incisor extrusion and 70% from maxillary posterior intrusion and mandibular auto-rotation.
Recommended Citation
Butts, Kimberly Spencer, "Non-Surgical Correction Of Anterior Open Bites Using Temporary Anchorage Devices" (2019). All ETDs from UAB. 1304.