Advisory Committee Chair
Retta Evans
Advisory Committee Members
Anneliese Bolland
Susan Davies
Scott Snyder
Martha Wingate
Document Type
Date of Award
Degree Name by School
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) School of Education
Risky sexual behaviors among adolescents increase the negative outcomes of the occurrence of an unplanned pregnancy and contracting or transmitting disease. Adoles- cents that engage in risky sexual activities are at greater risk for adverse health and social outcomes. Unfortunately, the impact of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among adolescents is far-reaching and does not only affect the immediate individuals. Despite a decline in teen pregnancy and birth rates, the diagnosis of STIs is steadily increasing among adolescents. Moreover, African American adolescent males in the United States and specifically in Alabama are disproportionally more at risk for STIs. Additionally, there has been an increase in STI diagnosis within this population. For sexually active individuals, consistent condom use is an important factor in reducing the risk of STI transmission. Recent studies that explore factors that influence condom use among African American adolescent males are limited. Using data from the Mobile Youth Survey, a longitudinal adolescent community-based survey; this study explores whether or not there is a relationship between personal, behavioral, and environmental factors and condom use behaviors among African American adolescent males in the Deep South. Results of this study show promising results for predicting factors that influence condom use within this population.
Recommended Citation
Chambliss, Jessica Thames, "Personal, Environmental, And Behavioral Factors Of Condom Use Among African American Adolescent Males" (2019). All ETDs from UAB. 1352.