All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Christopher D Willey

Advisory Committee Members

Jonas S Almeida

G Yancey Gillespie

Robinna G Lorenz

David T Redden

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Heersink School of Medicine


Modern day research in science and medicine has become dominated by the ideas of 'Big Data'. Life science data have become progressively more complex and the rate at which it is generated continues to accelerate. This combination of complexity and genera- tion speed creates a multitude of informatics problems to solve. We believe that among the many issues facing modern data scientists, there exists a substantial subset that can only be satisfactorily solved utilizing web computing. Of these web specific issues, we have chosen to focus primarily on data storage and retrieval, data privacy, and data visualization. We present here two major projects that showcase the versatility of client- side JavaScript. The first focuses on a workflow optimization for medical testing using the multithreaded web as an image analysis platform while maintaining patient privacy. The second is a comprehensive look at an exciting, but new and complex, peptide micro- array technology that focuses on enhancing data reliability and reproducibility while creating an open source code base, public repository for array data, and a visualization suite for various common analyses. We believe that through the process of completing these projects we have identified a set of core features that situate web computing as a major tool for data analysis of the future.



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