All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Kieran P Quinlan

Advisory Committee Members

Daniel Siegel

Jessica Dallow

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Arts (MA) College of Arts and Sciences


The focus of this thesis is H.D.'s epic poem, Trilogy, composed during 1942-1944, while she was living in World War II London. This project's primary aim is to investigate how the poet's participation in occult spiritual practices impacts the work's language. This reading examines terms, concepts, and ritualistic language from a range of esoteric traditions. While H.D. was involved in a wide range of occult practices, the specific traditions with which this investigation is mainly concerned are: astrology, spiritualism, Kabbalism, and gnostic Christianity. Explicating Trilogy exclusively through this lens places significantly more importance on the poem's metaphysical, historical, and archeological concerns, in contrast to directly psychoanalytical and secularly feminist criticism.



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