Advisory Committee Chair
Richard Shewchuk
Advisory Committee Members
Haiyan Qu
Nir Menachemi
Stephen J O'Conner
Document Type
Date of Award
Degree Name by School
Executive Doctor of Science (DSc) School of Health Professions
ABSTRACT This research used a Delphi methodology to solicit challenges that significantly impact the operational success of pediatric long-term care facilities. Further, this study sought to understand the ability of pediatrics administrators to impact, affect, overcome, or resolve these challenges. Round 1 accomplished the desired goal of eliciting a substantial amount of new qualitative information regarding administrative challenges in pediatric long-term care, which previously had been extant in the literature. In Round 2, data were distilled into categories and unique exemplars which in turn were validated by participants. In Round 3, administrators ranked and rated categories and individual challenges in terms of significance and impact. Findings revealed that the most important challenges for administrators are those of working with an inadequate model that is designed for a geriatric population, inadequate Medicaid funding, and the lack of clinical and administrative indicators in pediatric long-term care. The most important challenges that could be affected by the administrators are related to inadequate model, clinical practice, and the need for diversification. Administrators believe they can strongly impact the rules, regulations, and protocols that are currently geriatric focused, develop pediatric long-term care indicators and evidence-based research, and impact their financial security by diversification. The Delphi research accomplishes the desired goal of eliciting a substantial amount of new information regarding administrative challenges in pediatric long- term care and contributes to the broader body of knowledge in health services administration. The significant research findings suggest the need for changes in the regulatory and financial models in pediatric long-term care and the need for enhanced clinical practice though evidence-based practice and outcomes.
Recommended Citation
Jarek, Holly Elaine, "Administrative Challenges in Pediatric Long-Term Care" (2016). All ETDs from UAB. 2036.