All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Vladimir V Vantsevich

Advisory Committee Members

David L Littlefield

Lee G Moradi

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (MSME) School of Engineering


ABSTRACT Tire slippage dynamics is based on steady state analysis. This poses limits on advances in traction control systems and other vehicle control systems that can improve the safety of a vehicle. Agile tire slippage dynamics is a newer method that uses a smaller time step and time frame. It is typically applied to analyze the transient mode of a tire, which occurs within the first few milliseconds of a torque being applied to a wheel. During this time, the tire is not yet rotating, which can be a potential cause for safety hazards. Using agile tire slippage dynamics to analyze a tire’s behavior at this point can allow for vehicle control systems to be activated sooner resulting in an overall improvement to vehicle safety. Keywords: tire dynamics, tire slippage dynamics, agile tire dynamics, agile tire slippage dynamics, computational and mathematical tire model, and computer simulation

Included in

Engineering Commons



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