All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Jaclyn Wells

Advisory Committee Members

Bruce McComiskey

Christopher Minnix

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Arts (MA) College of Arts and Sciences


Current research in Writing across the Curriculum theory and writing center assessment shows concerns for students being able to connect their writing to their disciplines. However, little is being said about connecting writing centers to WAC programs, and less is being said about having writing centers take on the role of a WAC program. This thesis addresses the possibility of the latter, and creating a Writing Centers Across the Curriculum program to better help students across the disciplines connect their writing to their majors. In the creation of a WCAC program, a strong focus on training writing center tutors through Human Resource Management styles is implemented. My findings indicate, as expected, that more research needs to be done on this topic of a WCAC program, that writing centers across the U.S. are already acting in some ways like a WCAC program, and that some centers are also already training in a HRM style without knowing that is what they are doing.



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