All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

David Macrina

Advisory Committee Members

Alfred Batolucci

Mona Fouad

Wendy Horn

Theresa Wynn

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) School of Education


In an effort to extrapolate the detail intricacies of how community-based programs impact public health a systematic review of the literature was performed. This research will examine ways in which community based programs reduce health disparities in breast and cervical cancer in African American women. The primary mechanism used to identify appropriate citations for systematic review and inclusion was performed using the PubMed, CINAHL, MEDLINE, EMBASE, CancerLit and PsychINFO online databases. Key-word searches to be included for were the terms community, community based participatory research, community-based organizations, community coalitions, non for profit organizations, action plan, action research, grassroots organizations, community interventions, health disparities, community health services, community health planning, community health centers, community health nursing, community health aids, community- institutional relations, cervical cancer, breast cancer and breast and cervical cancer. Key words were entered and also combined and or meshed (Medical Subject Heading) in searches to effectively maximize search efforts. Reference lists of the research studies were reviewed, and those publications also were examined. After the initial screen of the abstracts, a total of 482 were retrieved and/or reviewed of which 64 met the criteria for inclusion. Significant improvements in health education/public health research and implementation have led to community based programs having the proper tools and information to address inequities in African American women. However, there still is a considerable burden of disparities in underserved, under resourced communities. This dissertation research indicates that there is considerable progress made by community based programs in attacking this dilemma.

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Education Commons



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