All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Kerry Madden-Lumsford

Advisory Committee Members

Adam Vines

Jessie Dunbar

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Arts (MA) College of Arts and Sciences


While With Love, Flint includes nine short stories that work together to tell the story of a slave woman’s descendants, each story is written so that it can stand separate from the entire piece. With Love, Flint begins in the year 1849 in Madison Mississippi, and travels through Memphis, New Orleans, Mobile and finally settles in Flint, Michigan, ending in 2013. The first five stories detail how each character eventually arrives in Flint, detailing some of America’s history along the way. The stories and characters are meant to reflect and offer exploration of Flint Michigan’s detriment. Through the characters, the reader sees the city in its glory years and also later, when poverty and abandonment have set in.



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