All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Shelley McGrath

Advisory Committee Members

Heith Copes

Melencia Johnson

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Science in Criminal Justice (MSCJ) College of Arts and Sciences


Researchers studying the effect of employment on recidivism have shown that offenders who are employed after serving time in prison are less likely to recidivate (Kyvsgaard, 1990). These scholars also indicated that employment for released offenders is positively related to a delay in re-offending. Such findings support the belief that job security increases the interval between release from prison and re-offending. In this study I expand on existing recidivism studies to investigate how post-release job training and greater access to employment opportunities for ex-prisoners affects recidivism. The effect of educational status is also measured to determine whether a high school diploma for ex-prisoners has any significant effects on recidivism. Findings from prior studies indicate that ex-prisoners who received post-release job training and who are employed after release are less likely to recidivate and that a college degree is significantly related to fewer incentives to recidivate (Jancic, 1998 ). This study proposes that offering incarcerated offenders job training after being released, and easing legal restrictions to allow for greater access to employment opportunities should be prioritized as part of the rehabilitation efforts to reduce recidivism.



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