Advisory Committee Chair
Jacqueline A Moss
Advisory Committee Members
Chad A Epps
Youngshook Han
Nataliya V Ivankova
Rhonda M McClain
Jacqueline A Moss
Document Type
Date of Award
Degree Name by School
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) School of Nursing
This qualitative grounded theory study explored the process of faculty evaluation of student performance during simulation in the southern United States. In the last decade, simulation experiences have been found to be useful in nursing education as a teaching methodology and as a potential method for evaluation of student performance. While clinical experiences are limited, unpredictable, and difficult to truly evaluate, simulation experiences provide an opportunity for students to manage care through pre-planned patient scenarios without potential harm to real patients. This allows faculty to observe students making decisions and caring for simulated patients in a context designed to elicit specific behaviors for evaluation. However, currently available simulation evaluation tools are limited and are administered inconsistently. The nursing education community must work diligently to provide increased and improved faculty training and tools for the evaluation of nursing students' performance in simulation. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the process by which nursing faculty in the southern United States evaluate a student performance in simulation, considering the influential factors that affect the approach as well as strategies implemented in the evaluation process. The results of the study showed nursing faculty vary in their evaluation processes. Perceived expectations of nursing faculty drive the evaluation process and ultimately the outcomes of decision on performance, decision on curriculum revision, and reliable evaluation. Influences that shape the evaluation process included: faculty past experiences, nursing standards of practice, programmatic values and norms, and level of learner. Strategies used by nursing faculty when evaluating student performance included use of models, use of pre-existing tools, internalized criteria, or a combination. Although study results clearly identify the importance of a systematic approach to evaluation, the literature yields little information regarding a step-by-step approach for faculty evaluation.
Recommended Citation
Watts, Penni Isla, "A Grounded Theory Model For Faculty Evaluation Of Nursing Student Performance During A Simulation" (2015). All ETDs from UAB. 3285.