All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Sergey Mirov

Advisory Committee Members

Sergey Vyazovkin

Vladimir Fedorov

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Science (MS) College of Arts and Sciences


Measurement of total attenuation in transition metal doped crystals is still an opened field and needs further research and development. In this investigation we developed a method for measurement of passive losses in Cr2+:ZnSe and Cr2+:ZnS laser crystals using polarized laser beam. A method for loss measurement, the Transmission Comparison Method, has been taken into consideration and modified to quantify the sample loss which in our case is larger than the extremely small loss measured in the Transmission Comparison Method. The developed method was then used to measure the surface reflectivity losses, intrinsic material absorption, and internal volumetric scattering, all of which were initially lumped together as total transmission losses. The experimental setup was assembled and validated by measuring the front surface reflection transmission and comparing with the theoretical data. Two undoped ZnSe polycrystalline samples with different lengths were used in the measurements. The effective absorption coefficient calculated from the measured data and the internal absorption coefficient extracted from the spectrophotometer measurements were used to estimate the internal scattered coefficient. The internal scattered coefficient was calculated to be 0.019cm-1 for both laser crystals.



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