All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Jean Bodon

Advisory Committee Members

James McCroskey

Larry Powell

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Arts (MA) College of Arts and Sciences


A content analysis was done on various studies involving hormonal effects on verbal and physical aggression in animals ranging from “old world monkeys” to humans in order to prove that genetics is responsible for verbal aggressiveness used by military personnel in the contemporary operating environment. The prevailing belief set is that the military is more aggressive than other social and vocational groups. The analysis shows that military members do not differ in neurophysiology from other groups and species. Only studies on animals with human-like limbic systems were used. The analy-sis includes discussions on the evolution of the use of pure science in communication study methodology as well as discussions involving the hormones and biological systems that cause aggressiveness in humans and some animals.



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