All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Patricia Drentea

Advisory Committee Members

Erika Austin

William Cockerham

Susan Davies

Cathy McElderly

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) College of Arts and Sciences


Does occupying multiple roles cause strain or does it lead to health lifestyle practices for women living with HIV/AIDS? Previous research has established a relationship between multiple role occupation and physical and mental wellbeing for women. Health lifestyle modifications for persons living with HIV/AIDS benefit health by slowing down disease progression and enhancing the body’s tolerance to drug therapies. This study extends these findings to a specific population of women living with HIV/AIDS and examines health lifestyle outcomes for this population. Using data from the HIV Cost and Services Utilization Study (HCSUS), the study draws on a subsample of women (N=847) from a larger nationally representative sample of persons living with HIV/AIDS in the U.S. Logistic regression results reveal that controlling for demographic, and other HIV-specific factors, women who have young children living with them in the household, as well as women that work longer paid hours are more likely to engage in health promoting behaviors. Specifically, occupying the roles of mother and working longer paid hours protected women against alcohol abuse and drug dependency. The findings support the role enhancement hypothesis that proposes the benefits of engaging in social roles for health and overall wellbeing. There was moderate support for role strain. Having children in the household and working longer paid hours reduced the odds iii of exercising. The results of this study are important for health, legal and social interventions that are targeted at women living with HIV/AIDS.



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