All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Ragib Hasan

Advisory Committee Members

Thomas Gilray

Sidharth Kumar

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Science (MS) College of Arts and Sciences


The best description of IoT comes from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), which defines it as "a global infrastructure for the information society, enabling advanced services by interconnecting things based on existing and evolving interoperable information and communication technologies" (ITU, 2013). Different things, equipment, and household are employed in daily living in our world. The advantages that smart technology provides have piqued the curiosity of academics and practitioners alike. Home appliances have received a lot of attention, since smart technology has been extensively explored and put into practice. A great deal of research has gone into automating the house, making it accessible via the Internet or mobile phones, conserving energy, assisting older persons with technology, and the most important of all, security. We begin by discussing how the notion of security, especially data security, has evolved in current home automation systems, and then go on to other security concerns in the area. In this thesis, we will focus on data security related issues in the smart homes. Smart homes detect environments for data collection, transmission, and storage software to ensure privacy and security on the front end while maintaining the quality and availability of the iv gathered data on the back end [11]. We need to evaluate, analyze, and compare Smart house IoT security solutions and strategies for data protection to make IoT devices and smart homes more trustworthy. We will conduct a comprehensive research of Smart Home Security concerns, difficulties, and vulnerabilities in this thesis. We'll evaluate and contrast existing data protection solutions, as well as investigate effective new techniques for addressing data security vulnerabilities in Smart Home IoT devices. The thesis starts with a short working definition of IoT technologies and the Smart Home concept. The literature review is the following part of the thesis. In this part, we focus on the data security issues of IoT-based smart homes. The next part includes a detailed description of IoT security problems. Furthermore, current approaches to these threats are analyzed by comparing and contrasting based on evaluation metrics. Lastly, the thesis includes the conclusion of the current researches comparison.



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