All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Jeremy J Day

Advisory Committee Members

Erik D Roberson

Robinna G Lorenz

Rita M Cowell

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Heersink School of Medicine


Exposure to drugs of abuse alters transcriptional programs and neuronal activity, leading to long-lasting cellular and behavioral adaptations that may contribute to addiction. The nucleus accumbens (NAc), part of the mesocorticolimbic dopamine pathway, plays a central role in motivation, reward, and reward-related learning, and this brain region is highly implicated in the development and maintenance of addiction. However, the specific contributions of defined cell populations in the NAc to drug reward processes is still poorly understood. Here, we used electrophysiological, optogenetic, and single-nucleus RNA-sequencing (snRNA-seq) approaches in a rodent model system to define the acute physiological and transcriptional responses of NAc medium spiny neurons (MSNs) following acute cocaine experience. Acute cocaine exposure produced rapid but prolonged increases in neuronal activity of a subpopulation of neurons in the NAc. Using a real-time place conditioning behavioral assay in combination with viral vectors expressing channelrhodopsin, we demonstrate that photoactivation of MSNs in the NAc core is sufficient for reward-seeking behavior, independent of cocaine. In order to better characterize the cell populations driving these physiological and behavioral adaptations to cocaine, we employed snRNA-seq to generate a comprehensive transcriptional map of NAc cell subtypes following cocaine experience. Furthermore, RNA-seq revealed that cocaine experience in vivo and dopamine treatment in vitro robustly upregulated Gadd45b, a gene that has been implicated in activity-dependent DNA demethylation. However, the role of Gadd45b in cocaine reward has not been examined. Using unbiased genome-wide transcriptional profiling, pharmacological manipulations, electrophysiological recordings, and transgenic animal lines, and CRISPR tools both in vitro and in vivo, we showed that striatal Gadd45b expression is induced upregulated by dopamine and affects striatal physiology. Additionally, we demonstrate that Gadd45b is necessary for dopamine-dependent DNA methylation dynamics and cocaine reward memory. Overall, these data suggest that cocaine triggers a rapid transcriptional response in specific neuronal populations in the NAc, and these activity-induced changes are likely important for guiding physiological and behavioral adaptations to drugs of abuse.

Table S1.xlsx (9635 kB)
Table S1

Table S2.xlsx (24 kB)
Table S2

Table S3.xlsx (8549 kB)
Table S3

Table S4.xlsx (14894 kB)
Table S4

Table S5.xlsx (854 kB)
Table S5

Table S6.xlsx (15 kB)
Table S6

Table S7.xlsx (14 kB)
Table S7

Table S8a.xlsx (2855 kB)
Table S8a

Table S8b.xlsx (2897 kB)
Table S8b

Table S8c.xlsx (2929 kB)
Table S8c

Table S9.xlsx (7492 kB)
Table S9

Table S10.xlsx (47 kB)
Table S10

Table S11.xlsx (28 kB)
Table S11



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