Advisory Committee Chair
Nathaniel C Lawson
Advisory Committee Members
Kyounga Cheon
Janice G Jackson
Amjad Javed
Ping Zhang
Document Type
Date of Award
Degree Name by School
Master of Science in Dentistry (MScD) School of Dentistry
The purpose of this project was to compare the chemical, physical, and antibacterial properties of right contemporary direct pulp capping materials. The material categories included in this study were calcium hydroxide (Dycal, Lime-Lite and Ultra-Blend plus), calcium silicate (MTA Angelus, Biodentine, TheraCal LC), calcium aluminate (Ceramir Protect LC), and resin ionomer (Bio-Cap). Calcium release and pH changes were measured via a calcium ion-selective electrode (Vernier Company) and pH sensor (Vernier Company) respectively, after specimens were immersed in 36.8oC deionized water for 1, 7, 28 and 90 days. Water solubility was calculated with weight loss of the specimens from 0 to 90 days. Water sorption was measured with volumetric changes following 7 days storage in water. Antibacterial effects against Streptococcus mutans and Enterococcus faecalis were determined by agar diffusion test. Biodentine (965.52 ppm) and MTA Angelus (921.18 ppm) released significantly more cumulative calcium ions after 90 days (p<.05), followed by Ceramir Protect LC (450.79 ppm), and Dycal (268.14 ppm), while Lime-Lite showed no differences between 0 to 90 days when compared to the control. After 90 days, Biodentine (12.4), MTA Angelus (12.3), Dycal (12.1), and Ceramir Protect LC (11.8) showed significantly higher pH than other materials (P < .05); whereas Bio-Cap and Lime-Lite had limited effects in raising the pH to alkaline. Dycal experienced the most weight loss (25.9%) after 90 days, followed by MTA Angelus (6.8%), while TheraCal LC (-3.2%) and Ceramir Protect LC (-7.7%) presented weight gain. TheraCal LC (22.1%) and Ceramir Protect LC (40.6%) also demonstrated increasing in size in the pilot study of dimensional changes. Antibacterial effect against S. mutans was observed with Biodentine and MTA Angelus (P < .0001), but all materials showed minimal inhibitory effect against E. faecalis. In conclusion, Biodentine, MTA Angelus, and Ceramir Protect LC demonstrated more favorable in vitro chemical properties (i.e., more calcium ion release and higher pH) for clinical pulp capping purposes, while Lime-Lite had no effect in releasing calcium ions and limited effect in raising pH value. In addition, Biodentine and MTA Angelus outperformed all other testing materials in antibacterial effect against S. mutans.
Recommended Citation
Lin, Yu-Yin, "Chemical, Physical, and Antibacterial Properties of Contemporary Pulp Capping Materials" (2021). All ETDs from UAB. 840.