All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Tom Jannett

Advisory Committee Members

David Green

Jon Marstrander

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE) School of Engineering


In this work, an embedded Ethernet controller platform was implemented using reconfigurable hardware technology that incorporates system-level components. The specialized hardware and software work flows necessary to implement an embedded system using highly integrated electronics are not commonly addressed in academic environments. The primary objective of this work was to fill this void by describing and demonstrating the hardware/software co-design processes used to implement the project’s embedded Ethernet controller. Ethernet was selected as the project’s design focus to provide an example of the processes used to integrate common system-level components into an embedded system. To analyze the performance of this embedded Ethernet system, a test bed was designed to exercise the communication port, and provide throughput and data validation metrics. Use of the project’s test bed made it possible to demonstrate that the data throughput of the embedded Ethernet controller was comparable to dedicated Ethernet hardware solutions. The processes demonstrated in this project provide a resource to aid the development of complex systems that target advanced FPGA technology.

Included in

Engineering Commons



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