All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Andre Ferreira

Advisory Committee Members

John O Burgess

P Lionel Sadowsky

Firoz Rahemtulla

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Science (MS) School of Dentistry


White spot lesions have long been a problem in fixed appliance orthodontic treatment. Various methods of prevention have been used in the past, most requiring patient compliance. The use of non-compliant orthodontic sealants to form a barrier on the facial surface of the tooth has been attempted in the past with limited success due mainly to the inability of composite resins to fully polymerize. Pro Seal(Reliance Orthodontic Products, Inc, Itasca, IL) is new product which claims to fully polymerize and provide protection from white spot lesions during orthodontic treatment. In vitro studies support this claim. The side effects of acid etching the entire facial surface of teeth and potentially having composite resin tags remain in the enamel after the removal of fixed appliances has not been addressed in terms of tooth discoloration or whitening. The purpose of the present study was to compare in vitro, Pro Seal treated teeth with controls to in terms of degree of discoloration and whiteness after subjecting them to a staining solution and a dental whitening system. 60 extracted human incisors were divided evenly into groups. Using a spectrophotometer, color measurements in the CIE LAB color space were made at baseline. The experimental group had Pro Seal placed and removed per the manufacturer. All teeth were then placed in a staining solution, measured for discoloration, bleached with 25% hydrogen peroxide and measured again. The results showed that on average the teeth treated with Pro Seal discolored more than untreated the teeth. Similarly, the treated teeth were able to be bleached by the whitening iii protocol used in this study, but not to the same extent as the untreated teeth. This suggests that the procedure for placing and/or removing Pro Seal, and/or potentially remaining resin, or resin tags of Pro Seal on or in the enamel, affect the response of teeth to staining solutions and bleaching procedures. Clinicians and patients should be aware of this when selecting and preventive treatments for white spot lesions.

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Dentistry Commons



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