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Faculty Chair: Dr. Lisa Pair
Clinical Mentor: Sapheria Pollard
Presented: DNP Orientation UAB School of Nursing, July 2023

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DNP Orientation UAB School of Nursing


Birmingham, AL





Background: The University of Florida Health Shands hospital unit 75 Medical-Surgical had a fall rate of 1.90 per 1052 patient days, and 0.95 falls with injury per 1052 patient days in January 2020. As incidence of COVID-19 grew, the rate of falls and related injuries increased to 7.20 falls per 972 patient days and 2.06 falls with injury per 972 patient days. Patients attributed falls to prolonged responses, and staff members inability to assist due to short staffing. The purpose of this quality improvement project is to decrease the falls among high-fall risk patients at University of Florida Health Shands Unit 75 Medical-Surgical through the implementation of evidence-based intentional hourly rounding.

Methods: Inclusion criteria includes patients aged 18 or older, English speaking, all genders and races, COVID-19 positive or negative, and patients deemed high risk for falls. Exclusion criteria includes those who refuse fall reduction practices and those at low fall risk. Team members will identify fall trends within 2022 safety reports, develop a revised fall bundle, and educate staff during pre-shift huddles. Implementation will span over 6 weeks. The team will compare and analyze the pre-, intra- and post-implementation data. The initiative will be professionally developed and disseminated by the DNP team.

Results: Outcomes include reported falls and falls with injury within Unit 75. Quantitative data will be accumulated from monthly and quarterly patient safety reports. SPSS software will process data and perform paired t-tests. Fall rates and injuries will be measured using nominal and descriptive data. Staff compliance will be measured using ordinal and descriptive data, and General Self Efficacy (GSE) scales.

Implications of Intervention and Sustainability Plans: Costs of falls and related injuries are greater than the minimal cost of fall prevention practices. This initiative is designed to implement a tangible safety protocol to reduce patient fall rates, improve workflow, and fall prevention documentation. Sustainability is projected as the initiative is augmenting pre-existing unit practices. Additionally, unit administration has confirmed support of the project and usage of unit resources. The ability to continuously develop the initiative as the unit evolves is an indication of eventual adoption.

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Decreasing Fall Rates on Unit 75 Medical-Surgical Using Revised Fall Prevention Program

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