All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Virginia Sisiopiku

Advisory Committee Members

Talat Salama

Andrew Sullivan

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Science in Civil Engineering (MSCE) School of Engineering


Previous research and deployment efforts showcase the potential benefits of managed lane strategies toward increasing the utilization and efficiency of transportation facilities, and thus reducing congestion and related impacts. However, criteria for determining the suitability of a specific highway corridor for deployment of managed lane strategies are less well established. This thesis reports on a study that incorporates best practices from across the country to develop a standard screening and evaluation methodology leading to the identification of promising corridors for managed lanes deployment. Best-suited managed lane strategies for the selected corridors are also identified. The methodology is then used to screen potential corridors in Alabama's largest urban areas based on the proposed assessment criteria and desired outcomes. Results from the Alabama case study are reported along with study conclusions and recommendations. The findings are expected to provide valuable guidance to transportation professionals and transportation officials and assist them in their quest to select appropriate corridors for implementation of managed lanes based on need, feasibility and potential return for the investment.

Included in

Engineering Commons



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