Advisory Committee Chair
Karen Meneses
Advisory Committee Members
Robert Bourge
Marguerite Kinney
Linda Moneyham
David Naftel
Document Type
Date of Award
Degree Name by School
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) School of Nursing
Introduction: Detailed information regarding satisfaction with social support and its relationship with quality of life (QOL) and survival 5 to 10 years (yrs) after heart transplantation (HT) is unknown. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among satisfaction with social support perceived stress, and coping with QOL and survival of patients (pts) who were 5 to 10 years post heart transplantation. Methods: This study was a retrospective outcome analysis from data collected from two existing data sets: The HT QOL Study and the Cardiac Transplant Research Database (CTRD). Institutional Review Board approval was obtained. Data on 555 HT pts (78% male, 88% white, mean age=53.8yrs) at 4 U.S. sites using the following instruments: HT Social Support Index (lower score = better satisfaction), QOL Index, Jalowiec Coping Scale, HT Stressor Scale, and chart review were examined. Statistical analyses included descriptive analyses, correlational analyses, t-tests, repeated measures, univariate and multiple regression, Kaplan-Meier survival actuarials, and Baron and Kenny’s series of regression equations to test for mediation. Results: Overall satisfaction with SS remained steady over time. There were sociodemographic differences in satisfaction with social support at 5 and 10 years after heart transplantation.. At 5 years, men reported more satisfaction with emotional social support than females. Older pts had more satisfaction with overall social support at 5 and 10 years after HT. Overall, emotional, and tangible social support was significantly correlated with QOL (p
Recommended Citation
White-Williams, Connie, "The Relationships Among Satisfaction With Social Support, Perceived Stress, and Coping on Quality of Life and Survival at 5 to 10 Years After Heart Transplantation" (2009). All ETDs from UAB. 101.