All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Robert W Peters

Advisory Committee Members

Jeff Cochran

Charity J Morgan

Virginia P Sisiopiku

Tingting Wu

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) School of Engineering


ABSTRACT This dissertation evaluated the performance of activated filter media (AFM), recycled glass media used as a substitute for conventional sand filtration systems. Activated filter media is a direct replacement for sand filter media typically used during the dual media filtration methods employing sand and anthracite. One grade size of activated filter media was used: grade 1 (0.4 – 1.0 mm) to study its performance as a filtration media. This research was conducted at The Birmingham Water Works Board Experimental Pilot Treatment Facility, located at the Shades Mountain Filter Plant (SMFP). The pilot plant includes two independent treatment trains capable of simultaneously testing various chemicals. The pilot test facility was designed to run concurrent to the full-scale treatment plant to allow a side by side comparison between experiment and plant results. The parameters analyzed for the purpose of this dissertation study were total organic carbon, chlorine residual, turbidity, UV254, total trihalomethane formation, filter headloss development, and filter runtime development. Results from the study indicated that AFM could be a viable replacement for traditional sand while maintaining water quality standards pertaining to turbidity, organics, lower chlorine demand, and comparable in headloss and runtime development. A significant distinction in chlorine demand throughout the activated filter media was observed as well, when compared to that of sand.

Included in

Engineering Commons



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