All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Loucrecia Collins

Advisory Committee Members

William B Rogan

Margaret Rice

James Eck

Carl Brezausek

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) School of Education


ABSTRACT There are many important factors that impact the grade point averages of African-American males at 4-year public institutions. Factors such as race, gender, SES, and ath-letic participation are potential influences that may have an effect on academic achieve-ment in a college setting in Alabama's Black Belt region as well. This study sought to de-termine if such factors coupled with other demands placed on African American male student athletes effected their respective academic achievement. Important questions an-swered in this study included how the variables above impacted the academic plights of the sample group that was examined. Research hypotheses examined the effect of the variables including athletic par-ticipation, SES, gender, age, and scholarship reception. The study was done using quanti-tative methods, specifically logistic regression techniques. Once participants were grouped, logistic regression was used to test the several null hypotheses associated with the contribution to the model of each predictor variable. This particular technique con-centrated on the independent variables (race, sex, age, governmental educational assis-tance, etc.) that prognosticated whether or not individuals belong in dependent variable groups (2.75 GPA or higher, 2.74 GPA or lower). Findings revealed that being of African American ethnicity alone accounted for a 230% increase in academic nonsuccess compared to being Caucasian. Additionally, the study also found that male students had a 58% greater chance of academic success than females. Being of college age (19-23 years of age) was not statistically significant and had virtually no effect on academic success or non-success for the students studied. Re-ception of PELL/SEOG monies, however, did yield statistically significant results, and showed that students who receive such monies have a 42% greater risk of academic non-success than students who do not receive such monies.

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