Advisory Committee Chair
Fouad H Fouad
Advisory Committee Members
Bo Dowswell
Nasim Uddin
Document Type
Date of Award
Degree Name by School
Master of Engineering (MEng) School of Engineering
The use of steel tubular structures for transmission and distribution poles is increasing widely in the U.S as they are easy to construct and install, require less land space and has aesthetic benefits. In these steel tubular structures, the use of bolted flange plate connection is common. The bolted flange-plate connection is used to connect tubular element and transfer load from one element to the other and then to the foundation. The size and thickness of flange-plate connection depend on the applied loads, number of bolts and material type. For the industrial manufacturing purpose, the simplified and unified design method for circular bolted flange-plate connection is not documented properly. Many investigations focused on the design of flange-plate due to axial load only or due to bending moment only, while some on the effect of prying action. The objective of this study is to propose a unified simplified design steps for unstiffened circular bolted flange-plate connections integrating the studies done and methods proposed in the past. A detailed study of literature on circular bolted flange plate was done. From integrating the steps of three papers, a complete design steps mitigating the limitations of past analytical methods was proposed. A theoretical parametric study was conducted to study the behavior of connections due to variable parameters. To support the analysis of the theoretical parametric study, FEA analysis was done and it showed similar results as the theoretical parametric study. Furthermore, since this study was based on the results of research work done in the past, the results of the proposed method was compared with the three methods that were considered while proposing simplified design steps. To verify the results of the proposed method, FEA analysis was done and the results were in good agreement with the theoretical results. This study combine previous design steps and bring together the conclusions eliminating the limitations of the present studies.
Recommended Citation
Chitrakar, Pratima, "A unified Method For The Design Of Circular Bolted Flange Plate Connections" (2018). All ETDs from UAB. 1379.