All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Gary Peters

Advisory Committee Members

Keith Gurley

Danna Jones

Michele Sims

George Theodore

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Doctor of Education (EdD) School of Education


A QUALITATIVE STUDY OF LEADERSHIP PRACTICES EXHIBITED BY ELEMENTARY PRINCIPALS THAT DEVELOP LEADERSHIP IN OTHERS WANDA DAVIS EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP ABSTRACT Research has indicated educational leaders have had to redefine how leadership is practiced in schools. Because of the increase of accountability measures and responsibilities of the K-12 administrator, there has been a shift in leadership from the “lone” leader to leadership including principals, teachers, and other school leaders. The purpose of this study was to conduct a qualitative multiple case analysis that focused on specific practices exhibited by elementary principals that nurtured leadership in others in the northern region of a southeastern state. Four theoretical frameworks were used as the foundation of this study: (a) Transformational Leadership, (b) Leader-Member Exchange, (c) Shared Leadership, and (d) Distributed Leadership. Qualitative methods utilized in the study included face-to-face interviews with 10 elementary principals, observations of meetings with participants and teachers, and reflective journaling by the researcher. Five themes and corresponding sub-themes emerged through the analysis of data which were: (a) Professional Learning Communities, (b) building leadership capacity, (c) professional development (d) collaboration, and (e) leadership opportunities. This study provided insight into practices exhibited by elementary principals in nurturing leadership among teachers. This research was significant to in providing information to assist practitioners in the field on how to support better the leadership development in others. Key words: Teacher Leadership, Nurturing Leaders, Elementary Principals, Leadership Practices

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