All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Robert W Peters

Advisory Committee Members

Jason T Kirby

Virginia P Sisiopiku

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Civil Engineering (MCE) School of Engineering


Wastewater generated from human activities is one of the biggest problems polluting in the world. Currently, in order to reduce pollution and to limit the effects on the environment, researchers are investigating new methods and innovative materials for use in wastewater treatment. A goal of environmental engineers is to lower the coagulant cost and to improve the characteristics of the produced purification. This presented work investigates the role of agricultural materials (woodchips, banana fibers, and straw) to use in the treatment of municipal wastewater and to study their physicochemical characteristics (pH, COD, BOD, TSS, Conductivity, Turbidity, and Fecal Coliforms) of the treated effluent. Common methods used for wastewater treatment can be costly and may not be environmentally friendly. Therefore, this study is aimed towards low cost and eco-friendly technology for wastewater pre-treatment, which will be beneficial for the community of least developed countries. The study investigates the purification of the wastewater process by using various locally available organic materials in purifying municipal wastewater.

Included in

Engineering Commons



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