Advisory Committee Chair
Patricia Drentea
Advisory Committee Members
Shelia Cotten
Olivio Clay
Document Type
Date of Award
Degree Name by School
Master of Arts (MA) College of Arts and Sciences
Depression is one of the leading mental health issues affecting America's aging population . The current body of research contends that stress, social disconnectedness, and the presence of disability are possible causes of depression. This research, on one hand, widely neglects to study caregiver emotional stress as another probable cause of depression in the elderly. This study plans to investigate caregiver emotional stress as a chronic life stressor of an elderly care recipient using the life stress paradigm as the theoretical foundation. The relationship between caregiver emotional stress and care receiver depression will be investigated using the 2004 wave of the National Long Term Care Study. The mediating effects of social and psychological resources will also be investigated using a modified version of methods developed by Baron and Kenny to produce ordinal regression estimates.
Recommended Citation
Ejem, Deborah Blessing, "The Effects of Caregiver Emotional Stress on the Depressive Symptomalogy of the Care Recipient" (2012). All ETDs from UAB. 1584.