All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Mohammad R Haider

Advisory Committee Members

Dalton S Nelson

Leon Jololian

Mohammad R Haider

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Electrical Engineering (MEE) School of Engineering


A technological renaissance is underway, allowing large-area displays, paper thin sensors, flexible electronics and printable circuits. A new circuit manufacturing technique has the potential for a plethora of promising applications from non-invasive biosensors to radio-frequency identification tags (RFIDs). Functional layers are printed onto a planar substrate by inkjet printers retrofit with conductive inks, resulting in the inkjet-printed circuit (iPC). Functional RLC components have been designed with relatively high reliability, paving the way for fully printed passive and active analog filters. The main electrical component being researched to meet industrial standards is the printed transistor. This thesis establishes a digital model of a unique transistor, designed and printed in-house. The behavior of the device was mathematically generated from the analysis of manually collected analog data. DC analysis show this device did not function as a standard field-effect transistor, but rather as an entirely new device described as a bivariable resistor. While this device did not fulfill the expectations of a highly functional printed transistor, it did beget a unique device capable of sensing applications.

Included in

Engineering Commons



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