Advisory Committee Chair
Lee G Moradi
Advisory Committee Members
Scott W Snyder
Norman E Bolus
Chad Epps
David L Littlefield
Alan M Shih
Document Type
Date of Award
Degree Name by School
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) School of Engineering
In today's society there is a need to have well prepared medical staff, especially in cases of cardiac arrest, and nurses are one of the first lines of defenses against cardiac arrest. They play a crucial role as first responders to administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to patients in need of resuscitation, but CPR history has demonstrated CPR as a difficult process to learn for both medical professionals and laypersons. There are consistent recurring changes in guidelines to improve CPR practice which may promote changes within CPR knowledge, and the administration of CPR may also differ in complexity depending on the patient or victims current condition. Additionally CPR performance has a pivotal role in the chain of survival, but throughout its history there have been repeated studies that suggest poor performance and retention among CPR certified and uncertified individuals from bystanders to medical professionals. As a means to promote improvement in the retention of CPR performance and knowledge, technology has been implemented into various CPR training studies, and has shown positive results when applied during CPR training. The key objective of this research study is applied by using virtual reality, and evaluating the effect of this technology during a mixed reality simulation on knowledge, performance, and attitude. A mixed reality environment was developed to place pre-nursing students in simulated virtual environments with and without distractions as a reinforcement tool for CPR training. This study was used to demonstrate the use of mixed reality training as a supplemental tool to improve the retention of knowledge, performance, and to evaluate the attitude of pre-nursing students during CPR training. Subsequently it also assisted in the further understanding of virtual reality, and its effects on users. Attitude evaluations were also completed to assess the students' response to the mixed reality environment training for the intervention or treatment group. Keywords: CPR, CPR Training, Virtual Reality, First Responder, Pre-Nursing, Mixed Reality Simulation
Recommended Citation
Granville, Alanzo Deon, "Construction of 3D Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Emergency Scenarios for First Responder Pre-nursing Training on Stereoscopic Display Systems" (2014). All ETDs from UAB. 1780.