Advisory Committee Chair
John A Griffin
Advisory Committee Members
Robin D Foley
Charles A Monroe
Document Type
Date of Award
Degree Name by School
Master of Science in Materials Engineering (MSMtE) School of Engineering
The objective of this thesis was to study the effect of surface indications on the tensile properties of cast steel. Four cast steel grades were selected for evaluation; these grades include three carbon and low alloy steels (110/80, 165/135, and Eglin) and one high alloy steel (CF8M). Using these steels, tensile specimens were produced, inspected via MT/PT, categorized by surface indications (as-cast or machined), and tested. Bars with natural surface indications were tensile tested and the properties recorded. The presence of a 1/16 inch, 1/8 inch, or 1/4 inch flat-bottomed hole drilled through half the thickness mimicked a similar nonlinear worse-case scenario indication. The 1/4 inch indication resulted in an ultimate tensile strength loss ranging from 21.5% to 36.0%, with the more ductile materials being impacted least. The percent elongation loss ranged from 38.5% to 69.9%, with the majority of the alloys showing an approximate 60 percent loss in elongation. The modulus decrease ranged from 2.9% to 17.5%. These results were modeled using ANSYS to observe capability in predicting a decrease in properties. The resulting decrease in properties matched the experimental data to an accuracy of 3±11%. The results provide a previously undocumented relationship between indication size and tensile properties.
Recommended Citation
Hamby, Jeff, "The Effect of Surface Indications on the Tensile Properties of Cast Steel" (2013). All ETDs from UAB. 1849.