All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Akhlaque Haque

Advisory Committee Members

Nevbahar Ertas

Sunjoo Kwak

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Public Administration (MPA) College of Arts and Sciences


Citizen participation has become an integral part of implementing bus transit oriented development in many U.S. cities. The method of bus rider surveying is a traditional technique used to encourage diverse citizen participation. From November 2012 to January 2013, a Birmingham bus rider survey questionnaire study was conducted in the BJCTA (Birmingham-Jefferson County Transit Authority) Central Station lobby. Although previous BJCTA bus rider surveys have been used to gather accurate route and demographic data, there has never been a bus rider survey that addresses the quality of transit service and performance in the Birmingham-Jefferson County area. In 2000, the National Transit Development released a peer analysis report indicating that the BJCTA supplied one-third of the level of service and one-fourth of ridership levels compared to its city peers (BJCTA, 2008, p.19). By encouraging bus rider participation, an insider's perspective could help improve public transit planning in Birmingham-Jefferson County. This paper seeks to examine results from the recent bus rider survey as an evaluation of the quality of service performance provided by the BJCTA system.



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